

Respect for tradition with the sophistication to shake it off. Deadpan expression of a staunchly honest vision. Edmonton based Altameda (æl-tah-MI-da) have evolved into a band with a bold, and unrelenting sound.

It’s the culmination of experience, both musical and rawly human, that makes Altameda the band they are. Hitting festival circuits and stages across Canada and the UK, they’ve toured extensively.

Brought along by warm bass lines, bluesy rhythms and the sweet whir of the wurlitzer, vocalist Troy Snaterse’s lyrics burn with nostalgia and present desire. It will lift you out of your seat—then all at once send you spiralling down to the kitchen floor. Since joining the Modern Sky family Altameda have released their new single ‘Dead Mans Suit’, available to stream now.





The Slow Readers Club